Tenants Guide
There are many points to consider when renting a property. We are here to help make the process as easy and stress free as possible.
We take one week’s rent “holding” deposit when you decide to choose a property subject to referencing. The holding deposit shall be offered towards the first month’s rent and deposit required. In the event of referencing failing or the applicant withdrawing from the proposed letting through no fault of the agent or landlord the holding deposit shall be non-refundable in order to cover expenses.
Please note this applies for any tenant applying to rent a property through us, referencing will fail if either you have not declared an active CCJ, your salary is not as stated to the agent at the start of the referencing process, your employment contract is not permanent and out of the probationary period, your current or previous landlord provides you with a poor reference.
If referencing fails, you will be asked to provide a UK homeowner guarantor, or the rent paid six months in advance. If these are not an option for you then your holding deposit will not be refunded, and you will no longer be able to proceed with the tenancy.
The monies due will only be accepted in the form of a Bank Transfer. All funds must be cleared prior to the proposed move in date.
Tenants monies relating to the rental as below:
- The rents
- A refundable tenancy deposit capped at no more than 5 weeks’ rent where annual rent under £50k, or six weeks rent where rent is £50k or above
- A refundable holding deposit capped at no more than one week’s rent
- Payments to change tenancy when requested by tenant, £50, or reasonable costs if higher (e.g. change or share, permission to keep pets)
- Payments associated with early termination of the tenancy , when requested tenant . This must not exceed the financial loss the Landlord has suffered in permitting early termination, or reasonable costs of agent in arranging for the tenant to leave early. (Could include marketing and referencing costs)
- Payments in respect of utilities , TV Licence and council tax,
- The Tenant shall pay interest at the rate of 3% per annum above HSBC base rate on any rent lawfully due that is paid more than 14 days after the date on which it became due. The interest will be payable from the date the rent should have been paid until the date the rent is actually paid.
Replacement of lost key.
Notice to vacate:
If you do not tell us, we shall assume you do wish to renew and are vacating at the end of the tenancy term.
Inventory & Check Out:
Deposit protection schemes do not deem inventories compulsory. However, in practice, independent inventories are essential. Independent inventories protect landlord and tenants alike. Not only will you need an inventory detailing a list of items included in the tenancy (e.g. sofas, curtains etc) but the inventory will have to record any damage/the condition of each item.
If an item of furniture is new or if the property has been recently decorated/refurbished this will need to be recorded in your conditions schedule.
If your deposit is intended to cover damage to the property itself you will also need a schedule of condition. Any existing defects or damage to any part of the property or its contents included in the tenancy, will need to be recorded when the tenancy starts.
The checkout report should then be compiled at the end of the tenancy to show any differences to the initial inventory report. This then enables the landlord (if necessary), to request from the scheme any deductions from the tenants deposit, by providing an impartial report as evidence.
Deposit Schemes:
The scheme information will be detailed in your tenancy agreement.
Deposit Returns:
If you’re in a dispute with your landlord, then your deposit will continue to be protected in the deposit protection scheme until the issue is resolved.
Managed Properties:
If we have been appointed as a full management agent for the property, you shall be informed before the move in date, to which you shall report to us any maintenance issues that occur in the property. If you do not report these issues before the end of your tenancy you may be liable to cover costs from the deposit. You shall be requested to pay your rent to us as the managing agent.
Council Tax and Utilities:
We provide you with the contact details for all necessary suppliers. It is your responsibility as a tenants to inform all utility companies and open up new accounts once occupying the property. If you are a student you may be exempt from Council Tax, it is however still your responsibility to declare this directly to the appropriate local authority.